Capstone ePortfolio: Joanna Russell Bliss 

My Professional Education

My work experience in website management and digital marketing has given me skills that tie directly to those necessary to work in libraries today. I have chosen a course of study that complements this experience, focusing on learning more about managing projects, creating digital libraries and improving user experiences on library websites. 

In addition, while working as an intern at an academic library, I have taken courses to learn more about their administration and management. Given that my previous experience in a classroom was 20 years ago, I took classes on instruction and research to bolster my skills for workshops and one-shot instruction of information literacy. And a course on building community through technology was especially inspiring, prompting me to ask about new ways we can connect with both students and faculty on campus.

This section lists the classes I've taken, but also takes readers through the resources I've found and the experiences I've had outside the classroom, both via my internship and the seminars and conferences I've attended.
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